Veganism as a movement has seen a huge increase in popularity over the past few years. The lifestyle has been chosen by people who wish not to consume animal products, and more and more people are becoming aware of the incredible benefits that can be had by adopting this lifestyle – not just for ourselves but for the world as a whole. If you’ve chose a vegan wedding, then you’ll need everything vegan including food, drinks and of course your wedding cake. Vegan wedding cakes are those without any animal products. Believe me, they are no less delicious as usual ones as there are so many egg and dairy replacements the market these days, so bakers have a wide selection of tools to choose from. You may get one independent vegan bakeshops popping up all over the place or even at usual bakeries that are starting to master the art of vegan baking.
There are not only vegan wedding cakes, you may also find some gluten-freen vegan options and wholesome wedding cakes, so many guests will be able to eat the cake. Remember that vegan wedding cakes taste no less cool than usual ones while being edible for everyone, if you two aren’t vegans, you may have a lot of vegan and gluten-free guests. Let’s take a look at the vegan wedding cakes and I’m sure you’ll get inspired!
Naked Vegan Wedding Cakes
Naked wedding cakes are extremely popular and you may find a lot of naked wedding cakes that are vegan. Vanilla, chocolate and coffee naked and semi-naked wedding cakes with fresh blooms, berries and fruit and greenery are no less tasty than usual cakes. Take a look at naked wedding cakes with some berry agar jelly on top – this is a bold alternative to a simple naked wedding cake.
A vegan gluten-free naked chocolate wedding cake with espresso icing and fresh blackberries and figs.
An organic vegan and gluten-free orange blossom wedding cake with lemon curd and vanilla bean cream plus fresh blooms.
A vegan vanilla naked wedding cake with with fresh berries, a dustign of powdered sugar and vanilla frosting.
A chocolate raspberry Bavarian cake that is gluten-free and gluten-free with berries and flowers on top and raspberry agar jelly.
A coffee, chocolate and vanilla vegan gluten-free naked wedding cake with fresh raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.
A delicious semi naked vegan wedding cake decorated with fresh fruit including figs, blackberries, blueberries,strawberries and others.
A naked vegan lemon curd layer cake with yellow frosting, dripping and some blooms and citrus on top.
A semi-naked vegan vanilla wedding cake with dripping, greenery and a single bloom on top.
Frosted Vegan Wedding Cakes
Frosted vegan cakes are amazing, too: you may rock any frosting you like (vegan cream cheese frosting is among favorites) and add a trendy drip – caramel, chocolate, pomegranate or any other. There are amazing wholesome gluten-free wedding cakes topped with fresh fruits, berries and flowers plus greenery.
A vegan chocolate gluten-free and nut-free wedding cake with dripping, citrus and pomegranate on top.
A vegan wedding cake with lime, lemon, vanilla and homemade creamcheese frosting plus fresh raspebrries.
A wholesome gluten-free and vegan wedding cake with blueberries and blackberries and some fresh blooms on top.